It is now more common than ever before, that people starting their own business and leverage online platform or media for promotion. as with the large quantity of people starting something elated to online, there had been considerable amount of fallouts and shutdowns. despite the enormous amount of guidelines and resources for online business mistakes continue to happen.
Are you an entrepreneur struggling with your online business or with your client’s business? well, this article is for you then. if not, this will be an article for a friend of yours who is struggling his way forward in his business.
To make it easier, therefore, we have compiled the ten most common mistakes you should avoid when it comes to starting/marketing your business online.
10 Mistakes to avoid while starting an online business
1.Design/optimize for desktop
Being told and repeated by a good number of people, this no.1 mistake is here to stay for more sometime. for most business it is no hidden truth that search or site visit happens through mobile and still when designers design the site they keep desktop first and mobile secondary. looking closely at the successful business online they have done it the other way around
2.Lack of access to right tools.
Unfortunately good online/seo tools doesn’t come for free 🙁 , spare a few trial and strip down versions. this leaves an online marketing entrepreneur in blind sight if he doesn’t have enough resources at his disposal to buy tools.
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3. Never offering discounts or promotions
Price wars have become an inevitable option online. when consumers are drowned with discounts and coupons from other sellers and buyer, you need to give them an incentive to chose your product/service. this is true especially for market penetration during an early stage of your business.
4.Not focusing on return visitors
When was the last time and visited a website for first time and bought its product/service right away? not recently and not many in your lifetime, right? how can you expect your consumers to do the same? so, its time to start focusing on remarketing and return visitors.
5.Lack of digital marketing support
Digital marketing skills and knowledge isn’t something easy to gain. it comes with years of experience and so, its a must for an entrepreneur to hone his skills or higher a talented digital marketing professional or a consultant or and an agency.
6. Lack of quality content
Content is king – now and always. lot of brands lose focus online as consumers get exposed to their content first and later on to their offerings. thus giving your visitors a vague idea of your brand demotivates them to go further and most importantly when you drive traffic through social media.
7. Ignoring analytics
Numbers might be scary but they tell you the truth like no one else about your business. ignoring analytics is one of the biggest mistake i see online business make. this means you are missing out the most important feature of online marketing.
8. Not having a blog
Why will a visitor come see your same content on your website everyday? why will he read the same product description & services offered every time he visits your website? think twice. you definitely need fresh and interesting content to gain loyal followers on site. this becomes possible with a blog and is a huge boost on seo perspective as well.
9. Responding to change
Customer behavior changes from time to time just like google algorithm updates. all it takes is a new trend or a new competitor in picture who targets your audience. thus your business and idea needs to be flexible and dynamic based on your customer behavior.
10. Lack of goals
Goals! makes the biggest difference if you look forward to have constant growth. smart goals as most people are aware of is a good way to set goals and review them every month, quarter, mom or yoy as per your industry. look for standard metrics thats suitable to track online and that makes sense. apart from just sales, go for metrics like abandoned carts %, cod vs pre paid, avg time spent bounce rate, exit rate,.. etc.
Hope this article helps you with your online business and helps you overcome at least a single objective. please do comment any other mistakes that you feel is much common among online business.
This post first appeared on our author’s